Columbia Convention Center Hotel Suit Inches Towards Resolution – One Way or the Other

by Christian Stegmaier

A long running dispute between the City of Columbia and a firm retained to design what was to be a publicly-funded hotel adjacent to the city’s new convention center is edging towards resolution one way or the other: trial or settlement.
The suit arose after the city decided against building the hotel itself; instead, a private developer ultimately constructed a full service hotel near the convention center. The design firm seeks damages for what it avers were services rendered to the project.
Within recent days, lawyers for the design firm have filed an Offer of Judgment in the amount of nearly $1.6 million. The city must now weigh settlement for that amount or taking its chances at trial. If the plaintiff firm prevails at trial in a judgment exceeding $1.6 million, the city would be subject to paying an additional 8% in interest pursuant to the court rules governing offers of judgment.
More to following regarding the outcome of this dispute. As well, we’ll be doing another “Explainer” regarding Offers of Judgment in South Carolina.
From today’s (March 3) The State:
About Christian Stegmaier
Senior Shareholder

Christian Stegmaier is a shareholder and chair of the Retail & Hospitality Practice Group at Collins & Lacy in Columbia. He is also active in the firm’s professional liability and appellate practices. Stegmaier welcomes your questions at (803) 255-0454 or