SCDTAA Young Lawyers Division Re-Cap
October 20, 2016 by Claude Prevost
The South Carolina Defense Trial Attorneys’ Association, Young Lawyers Division, has enjoyed an active and productive Spring and Summer. In May 2016, many SCDTTA Young Lawyers from across the state participated in, and volunteered for, the SCDTAA Trial Academy. Young Lawyers volunteered as witnesses or jurors in the mock trials of the Trial Academy. Those generous volunteers made the Trial Academy possible.
At the Summer Meeting in Asheville, the Young Lawyers Division organized a Silent Auction to benefit the National Foundation for Judicial Excellence, the South Carolina Bar Foundation, and Kids Chance of South Carolina. Through the volunteer work and donations from young lawyers and other members of SCDTAA, we were able to raise $10,500 for these worthy charities! Special recognition should go to: Jessica Waller (YLD Midlands Representative); Mike Leech (Lowcountry Representative); Batten Farrar (YLD Upstate Representative); Derrick Newberry (YLD Vice President); Alan Jones (YLD Pee Dee Representative); and, Alex Joiner for their exceptional efforts in obtaining items for the Silent Auction. Aimee Heirs and her staff also deserve a special thanks for helping run the auction.
On Thursday, September 22, 2016, the SCDTAA sponsored the Motions Practice Boot Camp. This was an excellent opportunity for young lawyers to sharpen their advocacy skills and earn CLE credit.
Any young lawyer participation in SCDTAA committees or events is welcomed and appreciated. If you would like to get involved, please contact me or any of the committee chairs. You can also learn more by visiting the SCDTAA website at
About Claude T. Prevost, III
Senior Shareholder
Claude T. Prevost is a shareholder practicing in construction defect litigation, professional liability, retail/hospitality/entertainment law including negligent work allegations and premises liability law including "slip and fall" cases. Read Claude's Biography